Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Look - Colorful Pics

Spin it however you wish, it is what it is.

The gap between the top 1% and everyone else hasn't been this bad since the Roaring Twenties
This is a graph of the gap between the "rich" and "everyone else"

Half of America has only 0.5% of America's stocks and bonds

The last two decades were great...if you were a CEO or owner.  Not if you were anyone else.
The blue line represents the pay of CEO's, The green is corporate profits, and the red is production workers pay

Real average earnings have not increased in 50 years
Our real earnings have hardly moved over a fifty year period. This comes from The Bureau of Labor Statistics

Republican tax cuts have significantly increased the wealth gap

America spreads its wealth FAR LESS than other developed countries
Damn socialist Nazi's

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