Monday, July 25, 2011

Disgusting and Sickening

Just a little while ago Fox News announced a programming change due to the President's press conference this evening. At the time I began writing this piece the notice that was posted on Facebook was just 25 minutes old. Here is just a sample of the nearly 1300 comments that occurred on the post.

31 minutes ago ·  2 people

    • He is a complete embarassment to america. The worst president we have ever had!
      2 minutes ago
    • Oh goody, just what I need to hear more of....LIES and self-posturing. GREAT!
      2 minutes ago
    • Pam Burrell Kilpatrick JUST WHAT WE NEED... more babbler from our beloved Leftist Dictator. If you can stand to listen just tell me is it more ultimatums demanded onto the People.
      2 minutes ago
    • I wonder if he gets an annual pscyhiatric test like the annual physical? If not, he should.
      2 minutes ago
    • Smooth talker, talks in circles! Will blame everyone else but himself! Thank you to all the people who put him in office! 2012 Can't get here fast enough. Hope Reps. don't put someone up to run that will hand it back over to obama because he is the lesser of the two evils. Wait I don't think anybody could be as bad as obama. If they do maybe some good will run on an independent ticket.
      2 minutes ago
    • The Pursuit of Political Progression The people need a voice. A voice needs a platform. If you are looking for a place for knowledgeable, astute and respectfully opinions to be shared and grown about our government and what we could do to change things for the better, like this page. "The Pursuit of Political Progression".
      2 minutes ago ·  1 person
    • more bull _ _ _ _ and lies? or has he fianally come up with a plan?
      2 minutes ago
      2 minutes ago
    • More lies tonight!!! IMPEACH OBAMA!!!
      2 minutes ago ·  2 people
    • Talk is cheap ... actions speak louder then words ... he can talk all he want's ... American's will take action in 2012!
      2 minutes ago
    • Like he knows anything about it !!!!
      2 minutes ago
    • blah blah blah it's Bush's fault blah blah blah blah bad republicans blah blah blah vote for me !
      about a minute ago
    • Please for gods sake! Tell me grettas show has nothing to do with casey anthony! As for the moron in chief, he's starting to sound to me like the teacher on charlie brown...
      about a minute ago
    • FB needs a 'dislike' button.
      about a minute ago ·  1 person
    • Lol@ Richard Chico
      about a minute ago
      about a minute ago
    • Thanks for telling me--now I will remember to turn the channel! Doesn't this idiot have an office to go to--oh yeah, he doesn't know what to do in the office.
      about a minute ago ·  1 person
    • If I knew he was resigning I would be sitting in front of the T.V. and waiting to celebrate as we speak.
      about a minute ago
    • Shayne, my husband is always saying that CHOOT HIM! As for FUBO, can't we go a week w/o worthless piece of crap reading to us from his tel-e-promter? Oh, 1012 cannot get here soon enough!
      about a minute ago
    • Nope, can't stand to listen to him whistle like the gopher from Winnie the Pooh...the whistling is a by-product of lying through his teeth.
      about a minute ago
    • Duane Zimmerman he's going to ask America to drop their pants and bend over for another 4 years:)
      about a minute ago
    • I'd rather watch dwarfs figure skating
      about a minute ago
    • No time for the freak parade!
      a few seconds ago
    • He will use his bully pulpit to cry foul on the republicans and decry them for the mess he's put us in. I wrecked the car you fix it but you fix it the way I want it fixed.

      He's loving the dire straits he's put the USA in... this silly government issue is in the way of 1. His Muslim Marxist Birthday Bash and 2. His campaigning.
      a few seconds ago
    • So we get the deadbeat BO once again trying to explain his insanity
      a few seconds ago
    • will he be able to do it unscripted without a teleprompter telling him what to say in order to sound good enough to be re-elected???
      a few seconds ago
    • I hope to be in bed by the time this comes on. This has gone from ridiculous to insane.
      a few seconds ago
    • Mickey Looney Bell When this is over he can go back to being a POTTED PLANT.

    I have no problem with people not agreeing with other people, even our President. However, this discourse is terribly bothersome to me and is no doubt why our politicians can no longer work together to get anything done for us. And it will never change until these people that are willing to spout this hate and nonsense are put in check. If you just sit back and never say anything and don't get involved you can be assured you won't be represented when it comes time to pass legislation because there is an entire flock of people that aren't doing that. They are talking loudly and often. They desire no compromise and are more than willing to demonize everyone and everything that is not exactly like them. Just like with any team or any classroom or any work environment, we are only as good as our worst players. And even if you aren't like this, this is what you have become because these people have captained our ship and taken us in this direction. I find it very embarrassing and troubling and I will continue to speak out and attempt to expose this shallow way of thinking. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on everything but I find it hard to believe the people that follow my stuff wouldn't agree with this no matter what camp they find themselves in. We're all in this together and this is no way to deal with one another.

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