I have decided I will take a new approach in regard to how I communicate my thoughts. Instead of encouraging compromise and a search for common ground, I've decided to adopt a new tactic. Instead of being a one trick pony and presenting you with a clever little story as a hook and then shifting to the deeper message, I've opted for a simpler scheme. Here goes...
You think that every other news outlet in the nation is lame. You have the audacity to believe the one and only network you watch is the sole proprietor of "fair and balanced" news. Go fuck yourself.
The OVERWHELMING amount of scientists believe climate change, specifically our hand in it, is a legitimate cause for concern. You believe "the jury is still out" on this one. Go fuck yourself.
The Bush Administration conducted an investigation into national voter fraud and discovered there are more people that have been struck by lighting twice than voter fraud occurrences. You have gone out the last three and a half years and changed voter registration laws all across the land to make it harder for minorities to vote under the guise of patriotism. Go fuck yourself.
We have American soldiers involved in a war and dying in large numbers and you don't talk about it at all for three straight days at your convention. The only person that even said the word Afghanistan was Clint Eastwood. Go fuck yourself.
You don't support the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles recommendation when you are a member of Congress and then you attack the President for not supporting the exact same recommendation when you are running for Vice President. Go fuck yourself.
You nominate Paul Ryan because of his serious economic approach and have totally backed his plan every step of the way and now you say you don't support the Ryan Plan and have your own plan that you have never revealed. Go fuck yourself.
Your father set an amazing precedent by releasing twelve years of tax returns based on the idea that others can't truly know you unless you expose your deeds. He was proud to open up his history and show how he made money and how he spent it in very generous ways. You take your money and hide it in offshore accounts, hardly release any of your tax returns, and then ask us to "trust you" that you didn't pay less than 13% for the past decade. Go fuck yourself.
You think we're so stupid that you can tell us you bought a three pack of shirts at Costco and we're going to believe you're one of us. Who buys three packs of shirts at Costco? Go fuck yourself.
You think if a woman is "legitimately" raped that her body will not become impregnated because you "heard it". Even if this magical ability happens to fail and the woman does become impregnated then you believe you know what's best for her. Go fuck yourself.
You bought a house you knew you couldn't afford. You were a contributor to the crash of the housing market. You think poor people are the reason our country faces financial difficulties. Go fuck yourself.
You say you are conservative but you want to amend the Constitution over and over again to suit your needs. Go fuck yourself.
Your Republican appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice took his role very seriously and applied common sense to help bridge the divide by pointing out that the legislation was worded wrong but was, in fact, legal. He thought about the legacy of the Court and his special obligation as the Chief Justice and removed himself from the current predictable decisions that have solely been decided by party affiliation. He wanted the Court to be better than that and understood his duty as a sworn servant to uphold the laws of the land. You threw him under the bus the second he ruled against your personal wishes. Go fuck yourself.
You make fun of people that voted for Obama by saying they were "starstruck" and fell for all of the "Hollywood" he brings to the table. You are the only group that has ever voted in an actor to the highest office in the land. You also voted in an actor to be a Senator in Fred Thompson. You voted in an actor, for the second time, to be governor of California with Arnold. When Donald Trump was pretending to run for President you placed him at the top of the polls as your favorite. You paraded a movie star at your convention and was the last figure to speak before Mitt Romney. Go fuck yourself.
Every other first world country on the planet has some form of universal health care and you think they all have it wrong. Go fuck yourself.
You are so afraid your children might learn something you don't want them to learn or they might learn how to think for themselves that you incorrectly talk about how school has changed and make believe crime is rampant on the public school campuses so you can home school them and indoctrinate them without any interference. Go fuck yourself.
The United States has always lead the world in science. We have fought hard to have the brightest minds in this field and battled other countries to win space races to simply demonstrate our ability in this area. Now 20 European countries all chip in and fund the greatest laboratory for science experiments in the history of man. Several other countries have "associate" status beyond the 20 original countries and contribute to the cause. Beyond that there are three countries that are applying to become a member of this group that is interested in science and exploring the nature of the universe. The United States is below that categorized as an "observer" country. You think science and faith are on equal footing and battle to teach fairy tales on equal ground with science in public schools. Go fuck yourself.
You make so much money that you believe once you have made money and paid taxes on it that you have some right to continue to make money with that money and never pay taxes on that income revenue ever again. Go fuck yourself.
You believe if you inherit money that you shouldn't pay taxes on it while simultaneously believing the problem with the country is poor people don't pay enough taxes. Go fuck yourself.
You "leaked" thousands of gallons of oil for weeks at a time into the ocean. You didn't have the ability to fix it in a timely manner because you bought off the people that regulate and set the safety standards for the industry. Meanwhile, countless amounts of animal life suffered and died senselessly because of your greed. People's livelihood in the gulf states was destroyed because of your actions. You spend millions on commercials to tell us how good you were and then still turned amazing profits at the end of such a tragic year. Go fuck yourself.
You know people are stupid and you purposely feed on that ignorance and pump them full of shit, leading them to believe things that are against their best interest, all simply for your own benefit. You make billions and control everything but that isn't enough for you. You spend millions on lobbyists and make sure the laws work for you and then you spend millions more to produce propaganda and PR campaigns to confuse people that don't have the ability to grasp the deeper concepts. Go fuck yourself.
You brought out Clint Eastwood at your convention and he doesn't stand for anything you believe in. He believes in gay marriage, lawyers (Romney graduated from law school) shouldn't be President, we should end the war in Afghanistan, the auto bailouts were a good idea and a success. None of this is in alignment with the platform you claim to support. The only thing he said that you even liked was he implied the term "go fuck yourself". Go fuck yourself.
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