David Brooks is at it again, this time he's naming names. Let's look at his credentials as a Republican before we call him a RINO: editor of The Wall Street Journal, senior editor at The Weekly Standard, contributing editor to Newsweek and commentator on NPR.
The Beltway Bandits - Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform has been instrumental in every recent GOP setback. He enforces rigid ultimatums that make governance, or even thinking, impossible.
The Big Government Blowhards - To keep audience share, they (talk-radio jocks) need to portray politics as a cataclysmic, Manichaean struggle. A series of compromise that steadily advance conservative aims would muddy their story lines and be death to their ratings.
The Show Horses - Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann produce Tweets, not laws. They have created a climate in which purity is prized over practicality.
The Permanent Campaigners - They believe that if they can remain pure in their faith then someday their party will win a total and permanent victory over its foes. They believe they are Gods of the New Dawn.
Fortunately, there are still practical conservatives in the GOP, who believe in results, who believe in intelligent compromise. If people someday decide the events of the past weeks have been a debacle, then practical conservatives may regain control.
Here is my piece written in June about the situation the GOP finds itself in because of the fringe that has hijacked the party, http://jasonhedrick.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-can-see-clearly-now.html
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