Sunday, December 4, 2011
Just Nod If You Can Hear Me
I've had my pickup since 2007 and had never honked the horn in it until last Friday. Oddly enough I honked it twice in a ten minute span. Both times we were stopped at a green light. I'm pretty cool about this occurrence and usually can just wait a few seconds until the driver of the car in front of me zones back in to reality. But after about ten seconds, and fear we might actually sit through the entire green light, I caved and gave the polite short bump on the horn. When it happened the second time a few moments later I just looked at the little sensor on my dashboard that is supposed to gauge when my headlights should automatically turn on and smiled. I'm pretty sure that's one of the places the cameras filming my life are located.
If you ever tell someone you don't like people that "play games" (meaning like emotional head games where you don't communicate well and have some sort of mechanism that tries to accomplish your desires by manipulating situations, even if it's at the subconscious level) no one will ever admit to being one of those people. Just once I would like to say, "I don't like people that play games," and have someone reply, "Well, you're not going to like me because I come from a dysfunctional family and we learned to fight for what we want in life and use any means possible and we were horrible at communicating and never said 'I love you' to each other and I hate my brother and my sister is a hooker." I'm not holding my breath though.
All this week the sports commentary was about the "lack of meaning" for the majority of college football games that were taking place this weekend. Because the number one and two ranked teams were pretty much solidified and the national championship pairing was all but a lock, most pundits didn't see the meaning of all of the other games. By the end of the evening I was completely exhausted from watching all of the wonderful games. I would even go as far as saying it was probably the most exciting weekend in college football this year.
New Rule: If your retro NFL uniform looks better than your year 2011 regular uniform then you have to fire the person who has the job of making this decision and wear your retro jerseys the rest of the year.
When I worked in the jails there was a law that prevented too many inmates from being housed in a unit. Someone must have understood that if too many inmates were placed in an area together that it would be impossible to perform business as usual. It wouldn't be good for the officers, it would make administering to the needs of the inmates difficult, it would be dangerous, and even though it might COST more money, we still had to bite the bullet and build more jails and hire more staff to make this accommodation. Strange how in the public education system there is no such reasonable and practical law to the classroom. Every single study shows the smaller the classroom size (the number of students) the more optimal the environment for learning. The National Education Association suggests the number of students in each class should be 15. However, most school teachers would feel blessed if they had a room with ONLY 25. Even crazier is a large chunk of classrooms have over 35 students. I'll beat this drum every single day of my life even if nothing ever changes. This is child neglect and I challenge you to argue otherwise.
During the last major election cycle 93% of House of Representative and 94% of Senate winners were the ones who spent the most money ~ The non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. It just can't be this way.
Do you have a favorite color? Did you choose it? Could you choose a different one?
Rorschach Test: Bill, Tom, Larry, John, Dave, Adam, Steve, Mike, Ken, Frank.
"A duck's quack doesn't make an echo." Bullshit.
Humans can't agree on an exact definition of "smart" when it comes to identifying this trait in other humans. So it shouldn't be a surprise that humans can't agree on what makes other animals smart. For years our standard for deeming other animals "intelligent" was their ability to recognize the self. I'm no scientist but I've always taken objection with this determination. When an iguana is on the same branch as another iguana and they come face to face heading in opposite directions the smaller yields the right of way and retreats to the bottom of the branch, allowing the bigger one to continue unimpeded. I concede this isn't looking into a mirror and saying, "Hey, I'm an iguana," but it is still self awareness. Just like everything in the universe things are based on degrees. For many years we believed dogs weren't truly that bright based on our scale of judging intelligence in other animals. It wasn't until the last several years that we discovered dogs have the ability of "fast track learning", which is only found in humans and other language learning apes. The average dog can learn over 150 words, they can count up to five, have a basic understanding of simple arithmetic and can even notice errors in easy computations such as 1+1=3. Dogs demonstrate the ability to deceive and perform this learned trait on other dogs and even humans. On a personal level, I can truly discipline my dog simply by words and never actions. I can literally hurt her feelings, not denying her a reward or inflicting physical pain. I can convey to her she has disappointed me and that disappoints her. Isn't that the ideal form of parenting and teaching?
Rorschach Test: LaTron, Jamal, Xavier, LaToya, DeShon, Deja, Trevon, Terrance, Darius, DeAndre.
There is no "right" or "wrong" on a Rorschach Test. They are designed to help learn about what and how another person thinks. Here is my question ... Did you notice a different type of "thinking" during the two different tests?
Ties, the small piece of material you tie in a knot and wear around your neck to display success, are a weird concept to me. I feel more successful when I'm sitting around in my PJ's, unshaven for a week, and wondering when I'm going to have the energy to take a shower.
If we really did decide to make English our official language would we change Christmas to Christmore?
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