Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One for $5, two for $20

Remember the outrage when Obama pushed for a universal health care plan? It would cost us $950 billion over a ten year span. It was all over the news for months. How about the enormous debate when we talked of TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) and the $700 billion price tag? Dominated the news. Do you recall the latest debates about extending the unemployment benefit to the millions of people out of work? We can't afford $60 billion in one year to assist these people, especially since they're lazy. Have you forgotten a few months back when we decided to stop exploring space because the $7 billion a year NASA budget was just too much? Don't like the idea of $8 billion a year on high-speed rail? Then you probably don't much care for the idea of the Federal Reserve secretly loaning out $7.7 trillion (notice the "T" at the beginning of that word) to the private sector and then fighting all the way to the Supreme Court to keep it hidden?

The Federal Reserve is an enigma to most people. Seems strange that a creature so obsessed with accruing money has no idea what the money truly is or the institution that controls it. Seems odd that a creature that fights with its own kind about money and the cost of everything wouldn't know more about this prized possession and how it works. An enigma plus a strange plus and odd equals a no biggie when it comes to one of the biggest scams pulled on the American public.

Have you ever had someone lie to you by not saying a word and then their defense is "I didn't actually lie to you"? You know like when your husband says he's going bowling and then you find out he went to a strip club and then he says, "We did go bowling, I just didn't mention we were going to the strip club too. I didn't really lie." Isn't it insulting? So why wouldn't it be a slap in the face when your elected officials act this way toward you by lying about their financial activities and then attempt to hide it? I'm assuming it's not insulting because you have no idea it even happened, or if you do you don't know what it means, or if you know what it means you already knew this stuff was happening and have come to terms with the tactic. Whatever the scenario it doesn't seem a good place to be.

At some level we have to step up and take responsibility for the reality we have all created. We have become apathetic to everything that requires one more minute out of our day. We're so exhausted by it all we've become apathetic to being called apathetic. We sit back and watch the process unfold and have limited involvement, if any at all. Then when it all takes form, and the ones that are really involved get everything they've paid for and want, we blame the system. If you feel you perform your patriotic duty simply by pulling a lever every four years (maybe two if you're really red, white, and blue blooded) then you might as well save the gas money come election Tuesday. The process has played out by that point and the powers that be, whoever they may be, have won no matter who takes office at that point. They have dwindled the field to just two candidates and you will complain you voted for the "lesser of two evils", in fact it will make you feel good to say it. If someone hears you then you are absolved of any responsibility for the direction or course the country takes for the next few years.

More alarming is the fact these people that pulled this scam fought hard to keep it a secret because they feared the backlash from the public and the public was too naive to know they were supposed to get upset because their "news" channel didn't tell them the forecast called for anger. In fact, the forecast called for a little "How many chicks did Herman Cain bang?" in the morning with a sprinkle of "Bernie Fine" and "Jerry Sandusky" in the afternoon. Oh, and did we forget to mention your government secretly loaned out nearly 8 trillion dollars to private industries and set the rate at 0.01 percent? More on that story coming up later when someone cares about it. Now back to Susan at the "Drug Test Welfare Recipients Rally" on Facebook.

We are a strange creature.

1 comment:

  1. I think for many it is simply easier to bury his or her head in the sand, and as you stated, blame "others". You have a way of bringing all this to light and breaking it down. Very well written and informative piece. :)
