Have you ever presented facts in an argument and you know 99% of the professionals in the field agree, yet the person that is arguing with you counters by saying, "Not everyone in that field agrees, I know some respected experts that hold a different opinion,"? Well if you have, I would be willing to bet Bryan Fischer is one of those "experts". Fischer holds a degree in philosophy from Stanford University. He also holds a degree in theology from Dallas Theoretical Seminary. My only motivation for creating this post is so it can be used as a reply, a tool, when someone references a claim by Fischer in a future argument. Just question them, "This Bryan Fischer?", and post a link to this blog post.
Campaign advice for Mitt Romney
Thermodynamics and Evolution
God loved Christopher Hitchens so much he sent him to Hell
Mormonism, the false religion
Gays are Nazis
Clarification -- Understand now?
Confused about the First Amendment? Fischer will explain it to you.
Islam and Gays
Even turkeys aren't safe with this guy
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