Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Fun

One of the more difficult tests I've ever taken occurred when I was seeking entry into the police academy. Coincidentally it was the day of my college graduation ceremony and I chose not to attend so I could take the exam for the police academy. There were many different parts to the process but one particular section was very challenging to me. It wasn't impossible and obviously a ton of people pass it, but I was surprised to find such a quiz for a profession in law enforcement.

Anyway, because I enjoy trivia type stuff I decided to create my own and share it with you. The instructions are easy: fill in the blanks. You must fill in every blank space; for example, if the sentence looked like this, "My favorite NFL football team is the _ _ _ _ _ _ Cowboys", then the answer would be Dallas. It's not correct simply because the word chosen by you is contextually accurate, it must also be the right amount of letters.

The topic for your quiz is Easter facts. Enjoy. Oh, and don't spoil it for others by giving away the answers.


  1. The term Easter _ _ _ _  its source from Eastre, _ _ _  Anglo-Saxon goddess which represents hare as well as egg.
  2. Easter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  occurs somewhere between March twenty two and April twenty-five.
  3. Pysanka _ _ _  be a special expression used for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _  for Easter egg decorating.
  4. During the quite _ _ _ _ _  times, eggs have been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  as a very important symbol associated with rebirth.
  5. The first containers of Easter _ _ _ the look of bird's nests.
  6. The chocolate eggs formulas have been _ _ _ _ _ _ _  in Europe _ _ _ _ _ _  the 19th century.
  7. _ _ _ _  and every year witnesses the creation almost ninety million delicious _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  bunnies.
  8. Close to Halloween _ _ _ _ _ , Easter time holiday paves opportunity for confectionery companies to thrive.
  9. On the subject of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  chocolate bunnies, it will be the _ _ _ _  which are chosen to get eaten very first by as much as 76% of people.
  10. Within the brochure regarding children's _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Easter food stuff, Pink jellybeans _ _ _ _  up top rated placement.
Easter was _ _ _ _ _  to take the place of the pagan Feast for Ishtar, the fertility goddess, which took _ _ _ _ _  during the time of the Springtime Equinox. That _ _  just how Easter time took its title and also the _ _ _ _ _ _  why dyed eggs and rabbits, emblems of love and fertility, came into existence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _  of the pagan traditions repulsive to God have been a _ _ _ _  of the Feast of Ishtar.
As soon as Christianity had _ _ _ _ _ _  the acknowledged faith in the Roman Empire they just exchanged this pagan celebration with Christian _ _ _ , retaining several of the pagan customs. (The Romans performed exactly the same thing with Christmas that was the Feast of Saturnalia.)

The actual time of Passover is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  accomplished through counting off fourteen days and nights right after the 1st day of Nisan, a 1st month in _ _ _  Jewish calendar. The Months happen to be structured upon stages of the moon, every single month _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  along with the crescent moon.

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