Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Was That Whitesnake song?

I was having a discussion with a friend on another friend's wall on Facebook.  The conversation had gone on for a while and it really was no different than any other conversation I've had with someone from the far right persuasion. Anyway, at some point during one of my replies I laid out my current political position. For the longest time I was simply addressing the individual but somewhere along the way I knew I was writing more to explain my observations and beliefs about politics to a wider audience. That audience is you, the person that can't believe I have the gall to claim I'm conservative. You, the person that thinks I always pick on the Republicans and am blinded by the star power of Barack Obama because I think he's perfect. You, the person that thinks I'm a flaming liberal.

Before I share my replies I've strung together on this blog, I would like to make it clear that I wasn't really accusing this particular person of having all of these traits or beliefs. I was using the word "you" to address an overall strategy that seems to be the consensus of the far right. The person I was conversing with took exception to that fact I attributed some derogatory terms to him. I apologized for my sloppiness in conveying my message and he was kind enough to accept it and understand it.

I don't share this conversation because I think it's terribly important. It's pretty long winded and won't be very interesting to many of you and I'm quite confident most of you won't even make it through the entire piece (if you even made it this far). I only share it because I know my views perplex some people on the right. I feel obligated to explain my philosophy from time to time because I collect more friends along the way that might have no idea where I'm coming from. I also feel obligated to share sanity with those out there that are in my camp. So often it feels like everyone else is mad - in temperament and sanity. If you are one of those moderate people that find yourself in my boat I know it feels comforting to hear or read words by others that let you know you aren't in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Hope this helps: can keep labeling me whatever you want. The truth of the matter is it is people just like me, people that have always voted Republican, that swayed the last two elections. The fringe right has hijacked the Republican Party and it has turned off moderates like me. I'm not a hard core righty like you. I admit that. I lean right but am capable of leaning left. I'm not anchored to any one ideology but feel I mostly embrace a Libertarian view toward the role of the federal government. 

Instead of coming up with new ideas, you and your fringe crowd have chosen to do nothing but obstruct. You have taken a respected party and made it a joke. You don't understand politics enough to know you need to gain favor with the public, not call everyone a Nazi or a communist or queer or a Muslim. You chastise me for voting with the majority of the American citizens and imply you, the minority, know better than we do and we've all been duped. You only follow far right wing sites and denounce Politifact and even go as far as calling the Pulitizer Prize winning site a liar as well. 

You view me as your adversary and fail to recognize you need me on your side to win elections. You don't even believe me when I tell you I'm on your side because you can't fathom a real conservative could do anything but vote for the same exact party every single time. That makes you a sheep. Yet, you spin that into the fault is mine for actually using my brain. I tell you I think we should find common ground, because I know there are views we share, and you tell me there is no common ground to be found. You're the Little Engine That Couldn't. 

Win me over, man. Don't just regurgitate stuff I hear on the fringe sites. Until you do I suspect you'll continue to be disgruntled by the Democrats running the country.

I also agree that I'm not a hardcore Libertarian. I agree some of the things I've supported are counter to the Libertarian ideology. The world's not black and white. The reality is there are moderate people that can lean in either direction at any given time. My suggestion, and it's just that, is your camp find a way to stop alienating the swing voters. It's the Democrats and the liberal ideas you truly oppose. If I'm capable of returning to your side then why would you want to push me away? Instead of telling me I've been duped, how about winning me over with a new idea? 

I know you think Obamacare is a disaster. What do you offer to address the mess we had on our hands prior to the Affordable Care Act? Do you really believe we should just go back to what we had? No matter what you might think, the majority of the people that actually decide elections, those that are capable of voting for either party - or in some cases a third party, think we have to do something. 

We've known for half a century the Democrats were trying to address healthcare. The Republicans did nothing and still continue to do nothing. This doesn't mean I think the ACA is a perfect law. It doesn't even mean I think it's particularly a good law, at least on its technical merits. However, I'm on board with trying to do something instead of opting to do nothing. Whether or not you agree with that philosophy, it is imperative you understand the reality of the voting mentality. I see no effort to intellectually figure out how to win voters from the GOP. I see nothing but obstruction and, ironically, regulation and restrictions on voting rights. Again, I'm not saying you have to agree with my observation. However, I am saying it would benefit the GOP, and you as well, if you at least recognized the amount of people that share my view. Calling reality "skewed" simply because the truth isn't convenient is a losing proposition. Insinuating everyone else is wrong and not even attempting to find common ground will bury your party in the long run.

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