I know very little about cars. I know they require gas, at least for now. They require oil. Keeping the tires full of air is recommended. I can work the windows, radio, and temperature controls, usually. I know when the warning lights turn on I should take my vehicle to someone that knows more about cars than I do.
Knowledge isn't an abstract idea like the term "smart". We have an idea of what "smart" is but we don't have concrete ways to test for it. We think we know it when we see it, we think we kind of all understand what it is, but pinning down "smart" to an exact science is a task that has eluded us to this point.
However, knowledge is an entirely different thing all together. The terms, knowledge and smart, aren't interchangeable and one doesn't require the other. I can be smart, or so it would seem, but not know anything about cars. I can know everything there is to know about cars and not be smart. I could know everything about cars and be smart. And to finish it off, I could know nothing about cars and be stupid, a harsh way of saying "not smart".
While completely identifying the notion of "smartness" with a definition that is acceptable and fair to all has been a difficult endeavor, defining and understanding the word "knowledge" has been a walk in the park. Knowledge, quite simply, is being familiar with something. If one KNOWS a lot of things about something then they are considered KNOWLEDGEABLE. The more one knows, the more knowledgeable one becomes on any particular subject.
Now it's a shame I don't know much about cars because my grandfather knew a lot about them, he was very knowledgeable in this area. Whenever I had any type of vehicle problem I would always just run it out to his house and let him work on it. I would head inside and let my grandma fix me up something wonderful to eat and then I would play Scrabble and cribbage with her. Every once in while, because my grandma told me it would be a nice thing to do, I would go outside and check on my grandpa. If I would have been "smart" I would have absorbed some of my grandfather's knowledge about vehicles. Instead, I chose to be lazy and just check in on him, act concerned, and then retreat back into the house to continue to eat and play.
Many years later the price I pay for not gaining this knowledge is being at the mercy of whomever checks my vehicle when my lights on my dashboard tell me something is wrong. The person literally could tell me I need a brand new flux capacitor and the only reason my suspension would be raised is due to my knowledge of movies, but not vehicles.
When I do something as simple as taking my vehicle to get an oil change I'm confronted with making decisions I know nothing about. I understand the guy performing the service is required to up sale and he's going to tell me I should probably have something replaced or changed or cleaned. When he asks if I want to buy "X" product I make a decision that is completely uninformed and only based on how I feel about what he's selling me. For the most part, I generally trust the people that I consider knowledgeable (what else can I do?) and follow their recommendations. One thing I don't do is try to act like I know what I'm talking about to these guys when I'm very aware that I don't. I'm sure they are more than aware I'm not knowledgeable simply by my actions and lack of conversation, however I would remove all doubt if I actually started talking about it.
If I had to tally up all the things I encounter in my life I would say the things I consider myself knowledgeable about would be very few compared to the millions of things I know little or nothing about. I assume this to be true for most people. This is why I find it so strange to see many people act knowledgeable about things it seems so obvious they know little about.
What is the atmosphere? What's it made of? What does it do? Where is it? Is it important? Does every planet have one? Can it be altered? These are just some very basic questions about a very important subject matter. How did you do answering them? Would you consider yourself knowledgeable on this subject? Would it be "smart" to act like you know about climate change if you didn't get two questions correct from above?
What is OPEC? How many gallons of oil is manufactured globally each day? How is the price of oil set? How many gallons of oil could be tapped in our country if we drilled for it? How does the percentage of oil drilled in America affect the price of oil globally and/or domestically? How did you do on this subject? Are you knowledgeable? Do you think it would be "smart" to follow your plan for lower gas prices in America?
What biologically is different, if anything, in a gay person? What percentage of gay people molest children? Does science know if people are born gay or turn gay? What is the impact on a child growing up in a home with two same sex people when it comes to grades, test scores, employment, overall happiness? What is the unfaithful percentage of gay people opposed to the unfaithful percentage of straight people? How did you do on this one? Are you knowledgeable on gay stuff? Do you think it's "smart" to go to the polls and vote against things if you don't even consider yourself knowledgeable on the subject?
What is GDP? What's the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? When and why was the electoral college formed? What gives the government the authority to tax? What needs to take place to amend the Constitution? How many members are there on the President's Cabinet? How did you do? You know a lot about politics? Would it be "smart" for you to broadcast publicly you know what is best for this country when it comes to the government?
What's a quark? Is it bigger or smaller than an atom? What is quantum mechanics? How fast does light travel? How many galaxies exist in our universe? What are the properties of a black hole? How long has life existed (that we know of) in the universe percentage wise compared to the overall exist of the universe? Any better on this test? Do you think you're knowledgeable in this area? Would you consider it "smart" to tell others you have relationship with a deity that created the universe?
"Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance." ~ Plato
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