Friday, February 10, 2012

Know When To Hold'em

Most people are familiar with the term "bluff" when it comes to poker. However, what most people don't understand is the nuance of stealing a pot when you don't have the cards worthy of getting paid. A true bluff, one performed by a professional, is a lot more complicated than simply betting big and trying to scare the opponent.

Stealing the pot isn't just a one time bet that happens right before the other player folds. Almost always there were several moves that transpired earlier that allowed the bluff to be successful. Another key component for any savvy player that tries to pull one off is the understanding that the other player understands the game. You can't bluff someone that doesn't know how to play, they don't do what they're supposed to do and their play is unpredictable. But when you know your opponent understands the game and plays according to the best strategy available then it becomes easier to pull off a bluff.

In the end, you're really just playing the odds and assuming the other player understands the odds and will fold their hand based on the probability that they can't win, whether they really can or not. The bluffer puts the pressure on the other player and makes them make the hard decision. In the end it really isn't a bluff at all, it's simply playing the game. Imagine I'm dealt pocket aces and raise before the flop. I get one other player that calls my bet and the hands proceeds. The flop comes and there are three low to medium cards and two of them are the same suit. I bet big and the other player thinks for a while and then finally makes the call. The next card comes and it's the third card of the same suit. I don't like it because at this point I just have a high pair and could be beat by several hands and can't even draw out against other hands like a flush. I bet and get raised immediately by the other player. Who knows what the other player has at this point, but they're putting the pressure on me and that's what matters. They've made it look and feel like I am losing, whether or not I truly am. If I decide to fold and the other player couldn't beat my hand then I was bluffed.

Prior to exiting the race Governor Rick Perry claimed President Obama was waging a war on religion. Today three of the candidates running for President all claimed Obama was waging a war on religion and some even specifically stated he was targeting the Catholic Church.

Mitt Romney promised to "reverse every single Obama regulation that attacks our religious liberty" if he is elected President.

"What's left in France became the guillotine. Ladies and gentlemen, we're a long way from that, but if we do and follow the path of President Obama and his overt hostility to faith in America, then we are headed down that road." This statement was made by Rick Santorum just yesterday.

Today Newt Gingrich decried President Obama wants to "declare war on the Catholic Church after his reelection." 

This move has been set up long ago. Immediately upon winning office the right wing began attacking the credibility of Obama's faith. They challenged it so much they convinced people he wasn't even born in this country. It doesn't matter if they have the best cards, they're putting the pressure back on Obama and placing him in a difficult situation. It should be no surprise this is the tactic they're employing at this moment because they have been playing this hand all along, waiting for the moment to push their chips in and enact the "bluff". 

The right wing is no longer worried about issues, they simply have convinced their base we've "lost" our country and the guy in charge is the worst thing on the planet since Hitler. They continue to lie to their base every time they talk about anything. They've accused Obama of shrinking our military, creating more government jobs and shrinking private jobs, and now, since it doesn't matter if what they say is true or not, they have gone all in on Obama's war on religion.  They want to paint him as a bad guy and by aligning him against faith there is no better way to anger this crowd. 

Pretty genius really, despite the lack of moral integrity. They launch an attack in an area that is taboo to discuss, religion. They get to strike at people's emotions and don't have to make sense. They can lie and lie and say all the key words that incite the rebels to fly their Confederate flags and it doesn't matter what the facts are. To this point the turnout for the GOP primaries has been very low (except in one state) and it appears the conservatives just aren't excited about their candidates. Along comes this ace up their sleeve, the war on religion. 

Just like the guy that called my pocket aces all along, knowing he would make a play at the pot when the opportunity arose, the right wing has been setting this move up for three years. And shame on Obama for making a gaffe with the contraception mandate allowing this to unfold. Now it will go on and fuel a base that wasn't that fired up. What will be interesting to watch unfold is how the left deals with it. Will they "respect" the faith of others and ignore this issue, the politically correct way to handle it, or will they try to take over a hand they've been outplayed on all along? I suspect they will sit with their head in the sand, much like they always do when it comes to this subject of religion. They will play by the rules of the fringe right, not counter attacking outrageous claims of "war" and "overt hostility" because that would look bad if they engaged on such a topic. 

This is why this subject is too important to never address. I'm not suggesting we need to hold debates on the existence of God or not, I'm simply stating we have to be able to honestly discuss the role of religion when it comes to politics. We allow people to claim this is a "Christian nation" despite the fact our Founding Fathers did every thing in their powers to make sure we couldn't be labeled like this at all. We allow people to soap box the "under God" part of the Pledge of Allegiance and claim our country has lost its moral standing because of a court case that didn't change anything many years ago. We allow people to claim the President of the United States is waging a war against religion and we can't call the bluff.

In the end the right is simply playing a game. And they're playing it well if we just judge the end and not the means. They are winning a hand they have no business winning, they have the worst cards. While one player has integrity and respect for faith and should be the winner, the reality is the player with no fear of pushing in all their chips, even when they have the worst cards, is taking down this hand. The right has out maneuvered the left on this hand and they've been setting it up for quite some time. And as long as the left is predictable and the right understands how they will respond when under pressure they will continue to lose.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Extra! Extra!

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Boycott Superbowl
Barry Blue

This Sunday Super Bowl XLVI (that's 46 for those of you that believe in English only numbers) takes place in Indiana. Yesterday Indiana became the 23rd state to pass "right to work" legislation, essentially an act of busting up labor unions. Governor Daniels stated it was important to pass such legislation in order to bring jobs to the state.

In late July of last year the NFL ended its lockout by coming to terms with its players. One of those terms was the players reestablish their players union that had been decertified when the lockout began in March of 2011. To be clear, the term was issued by the owners; they demanded the 1,900 players in the league vote to put their union back in place. Ironically, two of the most active owners in helping end the labor dispute will be facing off in the Super Bowl this weekend: Robert Kraft of the Patriots and John Mara of the Giants. 
Kraft receiving a hug from Jeff Saturday while accompanied by Players Association Chief DeMaurice Smith (the black guy, of course)

The Indiana primary doesn't take place until May 8th, Puerto Rico's primary takes place earlier, but the Republican Presidential field wants to make sure (Indianans? Indians? Indianapolitans?) Hoosiers know how they feel about unions. Here are what some of the candidates had to say about the most watched event in the history of the world taking place this Sunday:

Newt Gingrich, while holding a press conference at the Bunny Ranch, stated, "The NFL stands for Nazi Fascists Liberals. We are at war with any group that succeeds by allowing revenue sharing and supports unions. Totally unpatriotic and right after I'm elected, but before I attend any 'I control the world balls', I will repeal the NFL and everything it stands for."

Mitt Romney assured voters he thought it was alright for the league to make whatever rules they wanted to make, and if he were the Commissioner of the NFL he would have unions and revenue sharing, but if he were President of the United States he wouldn't think that would be a good policy for the federal government. When asked what he would doing during the Super Bowl airing Romney added, "This Saturday afternoon my wife of 42 years and our five children will be hunting squirrel and singing America The Beautiful until the game is completed." 

Santorum stated, "Besides the socialist regime of the NFL, the deeper problem is the moral decline witnessed in the locker room. Grown men walking around in jock straps, patting each other on the ass, rubbing up against each other, smiling, having a good time, bodies all sweaty and buffed out, it's disgusting. No wonder homos think they can marry each other. When I am President I will do the conservative thing and the Christian thing and make a Constitutional Amendment outlawing such pornography on television." When asked if he would participate in the boycott like the other candidates he quipped, "I'll probably just watch it for the commercials but I swear to God I will close my eyes when they show the guys in the locker room, half naked, with their dongs dangling down low to the ground, jumping on one another in total excitement."

Paul's camp released a statement on the wire that read, "What's good for the goose is good for the barber and mama always liked spinach pie. Go Tallahassee." 

When asked about the fact the Super Bowl will generate $3.5 million a minute in television ads, lead to the purchase of 1.25 billion wings and 71 million avocados, bring thousands of people to the area increasing revenue by the millions to the city, the candidates each had this to say:

Newt said, "That's just a nonsense question and totally lame stream media at it's finest. This is our last chance to save the world. If Romney wins then Obama will be President again and the world will be taken over by the Europeans. People will get their medical bills paid for, enjoy eight weeks of vacation a year, and move their foreign grandmothers into our churches. China owns the moon and Russia has a base on Nibiru. This is your last chance to save the world, vote for me or live a miserable existence. Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, Reagan. Nancy Reagan loves me."

Romney said, "Those numbers, the ones where all the records are set this year, the ones where more people spend more money than ever before, the ones where more people make money at any other time in the history of the Super Bowl, just show how bad Obama really is. Our navy would be bigger if he cared more about freedom than avocados. Ten million people wouldn't be losing their job each day like they are now under Obama. Six million kids wouldn't die every minute like they are now under Obama. A car wouldn't explode every four seconds for no reason like they do now under Obama. The Illuminati wouldn't control MSNBC like they do now under Obama. Obama has his priorities in the wrong place and those numbers prove it."

Santorum said, "When the deal was reached in July of 2011 the leader of the Players Union stated, 'we didn't get everything that either side wanted but we did arrive at a deal we think is fair and balanced.' That is exactly the kind of mentality we can't have. These guys compromised and worked together to come up with a plan to make the NFL better. That was the beginning of their moral decline. They treated the blocks like white people. And by blocks I mean blocks. I know it sounds like I mean black people but I really mean blocks. The blocks weren't willing to wait in line to get rich. The blocks just wanted to go from slavery to being rich, that's not how it works here in America. But I have nothing against black people. I just don't like block people."

Early polling shows a giant ratings boosts to all candidates in states with a direction in their title, where Jerry Springer is watched more than sports (excluding NASCAR), and more people have experienced an alien abduction moment than have graduated high school. More coverage when it unfolds.