Tuesday, June 28, 2011

But More People Tune In To Our Channel

 Are you a flake?  I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that.  Are you a liar, liar pants on fire?

"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." ~ Michele Bachmann

The scare began in February 1976 when recruits at Fort Dix, N.J., came down with flu symptoms, and one died. This led to fears of a pandemic. The president in 1976 was Gerald Ford — a Republican. ~ Politifact

"Let's look at the number one. Number one, that's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration since they came into office." ~ Michele Bachmann

Prior to the gulf disaster, the Obama administration reported approving 217 new well permits. ~ Politifact

"President Obama's bill (Obamacare) won't bring down the costs for average Americans -- or really for very few Americans, if any." ~ Michele Bachmann

The CBO expects 114 million people to see their premiums go down at least a little bit. That's about 60 percent of beneficiaries. In the small-group market, 12 percent of beneficiaries would qualify for subsidies, the CBO projects. Proportionally, these subsidies would reduce premiums for an additional 1.5 million people. In the individual market, 57 percent would qualify for subsidies, according to CBO. That's about 18 million people who'd see their premiums drop. So, adding it up, nearly 134 million people should see their premiums go down when subsidies are factored in. That's about 70 percent of all privately insured Americans. What about the rest? By our calculations, about 45 million people would see their premiums stay the same. Adding them to the 134 million Americans who saw their premiums drop, you get 179 million people, or almost 94 percent of those on private insurance. ~ Politifact

Politifact is a Pulitizer Prize winner in journalism. Of the 23 statements they recently reviewed from Bachmann one, that's the number one. Look at that number.  Number one, that's the number of statements that were deemed true.

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